Sunday, July 05, 2009


At the end of the "Road to the Isles" is the historic town of Twillingate. Trade was established here in the mid 1700`s. It was the hub of the fishery business in Notre Dame Bay. Today visitors come to explore its history and discover the mighty icebergs, whales and birds that gather in these waters.

We were very excited to see this group of icebergs!

In the town of Crow Head, Long Point Lighthouse sits a commanding 300 feet above sea level. The viewing platform makes this location a great place to see icebergs along the famed Iceberg Alley. These icebergs are calved from the massive glaciers of Greenland and the Arctic. These bergs of fresh water may contain glacial ice more than 10,000 years old. They weigh anywhere between one and two hundred thousand tons and some even millions of tons!
Here is one that we saw from the platform.

You have heard of folks that chase tornados...well we chased icebergs. The ones that we saw up at Twillingate seemed to be drifting towards shore to our right so we found our way to a little town of Durrell. We came around a corner and there they were! This big one would be classified as very large.

Notice the size of the iceberg compared to the size of the houses!

The little town of Herring Neck was very quaint!


At 10:41 PM, Blogger far north fagans said...

I'm getting the impression that the majority of Nfld is quaint!
Love the icebergs


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